I believe I wrote this poem while listening to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) World Have Your Say programme anchored by my favorite BBC journalist Ros Atkins (I love the way he speaks).

He speaks English so clearly, and his voice is pleasant to my ears.

From the good old days; I missed BBC's the Strand (the Beat, the Ticket) presented by Harriett Gilbert (also World Book Club programme) and Mark Coles. I missed Digital Planet, Culture Shock etc.

I was priviledged to listen to the debut/maiden edition of the Strand in 2008.

I can still remember the News Hour people: Kathy Clarkston, Mary Small and Julian Marshall

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Sun, April 3, 2016 8:47 PM





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BBC My Journalist

Long-distance happenings
In my room.

For long a time
You persisted my listening.

My news pips
From your broadcast fruits.

You had passed the mark
Worthy of my pen's attention.

It needed to see you in writing
Hoping to hit the right resourceful notes.

I admire that African content
Perspective and performance from your wave.

You are my journalist
I just had my say.